Monday, October 5, 2009

Playing House (part 2)

In an earlier post I mentioned that my husband is playing house with her. In a sense, he is also playing house with me but just in a different way. He is acting as though everything is fine and that we can happily co-exist in this new kind of normal. I always just assumed that when people were getting a divorce one person moved out of the house, but sadly I guess that is not always the case. Many of you have asked why we have to live in the same house or why I don’t just kick him out. My state has only no-fault divorce laws. If either of us moves out the other spouse gets temporary possession of the house and the other one still has to pay “maintenance” (i.e. contribute to the bills). I really don’t see why this would be a big deal for him, considering that he could live with her for free. I asked him about this last weekend, questioning why he couldn’t just stay with her and he gave me some crap about the fact that he didn’t realize it bothered me. Truly, if he had any decency at all he would leave the house (considering he is the one at fault – he is the adulterer), but clearly he has proven that he is not a decent guy. So, I guess until everything is final he and I will proceed with this charade – our own version of playing house… let the game continue.


  1. cut holes in all of the asses of his pants. scrub the toilet with his toothbrush. It will match his filthy heart.

  2. I don't know you, so it seems silly for me to comment on your blog and on your situation. However, I just want to say two things. First, I think you're one strong woman. Any woman who can deal with what you're going through and do it with her head held high is definitely strong. Second, and this is completely unsolicited advice but comes from someone with experience in this department, try not to engage in unnecessary conversations with your husband. Don't ask him how his day was or if he's eaten dinner. I'm not saying you do this, but just some advice. Guys like your husband (and I knew one of them) feed off of this stuff. And I know it's hard not to ask because you love and you care, but I swear, it feeds their egos.

    And when that doesn't work, what Lesli said is always good...

  3. I like this Lesli character....she has good ideas. Set fire to the house and then he'll have to move somewhere...but first get out all your stuff of course.
