Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I Wonder What’s Up

I yelled at my husband on Sunday night about the fact that his second-hand smoke stench has permeated the guest room and is now wafting through the house. I told him it was disgusting. Consequently, he began giving me the silent treatment (which he knows is one thing that I cannot stand!) I felt bad, not because of my actions because I DO think he deserved to be yelled at, but because I could and should have handled the situation differently. I would not want him speaking to me that way, so I shouldn’t be speaking to him like that either. So, I sent him an email explaining that my concern about the smokey odor involved selling our house and the fact that the vast majority of potential buyers would not be interested in a house that reeked of smoke. I reminded him of a former neighbor we had when we lived in a duplex after we first got married – we hated the smoke smell that wafted into our house from hers.

Well the email I sent must have worked because last night he got home early (5:30 rather than what has been 10:00 or after). He washed all of his dirty clothes, aired out the guest bedroom, and told me he would put a clothes basket and some shorts and shirts downstairs or in the garage so that when he came home and was smokey he could change into different clothes before moving about the house. I was shocked - we'll see if he actually follows through.

Then to top it all off we ate the same thing at dinner last night (haven’t done that for several weeks now) and he poured my milk for me (something he always used to do.) He helped me unloaded the dishwasher and then he put the towels in the washing machine for me. He went to bed at 8:30 because he was really tired and I told him I was going to go up soon as well. He said, "Well if the towels aren't done yet when you go to bed I can put them in the dryer in the morning." It was all very odd, it's like he has suddenly morphed into a kind and caring person. Is it a ruse? Of course it is! I wonder what he is up to.


  1. i totally agree that he deserved to be yelled at but yes you are right it could have been handled differently. You emailing him was a very good way to have a converstaion and i hope for your sake that he respects you enough to follow through. I am glad to hear as well that you anticipate to sell the house....from experience, I know that living in a house after divorce is like living in a crypt.....no good for anyone involved. I am proud of you for getting through this so well....after seeing your music post it made me think of a new miranda lambert song called "White liar" although in the end she cheated on him to get back,,dont stoop yourself to that level but made me think of your situation! keep your chin up and be proud of how far you have come....dont trust him though, i am sure that he is trying to be civilized and hope he can continue to do it for you.

  2. dont giv in to that fuckin pussy hes
    gay if he wants to go out with some
    trashey crak hore then let him
    u are better off with out that bastered!!
    There are a tun of bettter guys out there that
    wud be happy 2 be with u and just u
    and not hav 2 be with another women
    to make himself happy
