Saturday, August 29, 2009


When I met my husband, I discovered that there are two different kinds of people when listening to music. One is the person who listens to the melody, but never really focuses on the words (this is the type of music listener my husband is) and the other is the person who focuses on the words and not the melody (this is the type of music listener I am). Neither way is "right" or "wrong", I bring it up only to explain that sometimes I will hear a song and become instantly captivated by it because the words of the song are literally my life (as if the song was written only for me). It has happened so many times to me over the years.

So, here it is - my new "theme song", the song that explains my life at this moment in time...

1 comment:

  1. OMG, I love this song. I just found your blog, going through the same thing at 41 and 21 years of marriage. I sometimes wonder how I will survive.
