Friday, November 13, 2009

What I’m Looking For

In light of my recent self-revelation, I decided I should probably figure out what it is that I’m really looking for. Every female has a picture of their “perfect man” – it might be that they have a specific look or certain personality traits, or a combination of the two. As I evaluate my life and think about what I truly do want in a man, I’ve realized that there are five things that I am looking for…

1) A nice guy ~ but not one who is all Mr. Rodgers. I want someone who is both a “mans man” when he’s with his buddies and a give you the shirt off his back kind of person. (Do guys like this exist in real life or only in the movies?)

2) Someone who makes me laugh.

3) Someone who values his family.

4) Someone who likes kids.

5) Someone who is ambitious with a passion for life.

Pretty simple, don’t you think? (If you know any single guys in the age range of 29-39 who meet these "criteria", please send them my way!)

So, my dear readers, is anyone else up for describing their “perfect man”?

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