Saturday, November 7, 2009


If you are related to me, know me personally, or are even someone who does not know me but would feel uncomfortable knowing my most intimate thoughts, then STOP READING!! This is for your own good and so that you don’t feel embarrassed the next time we see each other. You’ve been warned… read on at your own risk!!!

As a teenager I was very boy crazy. I had a different crush every month or so and there was one guy whom I never actually dated but instead had an undying “love” for all throughout high school. (My high school girlfriends are likely laughing because they know just who I am referring too!) I met my husband in college when I was 20 and married him when I was 22. (Dang, I didn’t think so at the time, but we sure were young!) Needless to say, all of my 20’s were spent thinking only of him. Now that I, for all intensive purposes am a single woman, I am starting to become “man crazy” (“boy crazy” sounds a bit too creepy at 29). I fantasize about random men that I see out and about and I actually dream about these guys who I don’t even know. I must say that, while I have said good riddance to my husband and truly did mean it, there are certain things that I miss… a lot!


  1. haha. that's awesome. good job expressing your intimate thoughts for all to read. i love it.

  2. Thanks, Lesli! I must admit I was hesitant not knowing how it would go over, but heck - it's my blog, and if I truly want to document this experience for everything that it is, I had to write it!!

  3. My comment is also something that is very open.....if you are not prepared to read my comment that could offend some... stop reading!

    Guess we may have to visit an "adult store" while we are on our lady trip. They may just have something to help you entertain yourself until you meet someone special! :O

    Sorry if you read on and wish you hadn't! Just my suggestion!
    Guess who!

  4. OMG these are cracking me up!! I say ditto to all of the above! hahaha!! ~Al

  5. I agree about going to an adult store!!!! ;)


  6. I've been trying to keep that thinking as well. I tend to "edit" a lot of posts, or I will think of something to blog about on one of my two blogs, and then I don't do it based on what I think people will think about me. I've heard a lot of other bloggers talk about how you can't do that or it hinders your blogging ability...but it's hard not to!

  7. I hear ya, Lesli. It was pretty hard for me to write about THAT (even if only in reference) knowing that my grandma read this blog every day! But, my new motto is... Blog and Be Free, so I say you should go for it!
