Friday, November 27, 2009

Family Traditions

I love traditions! In my eyes they symbolize strength and continuity, connecting both the past and the present in an unbroken bond. My love of tradition transcended into my marriage. I wanted to continue the traditions instilled in me growing up and also build traditions that belonged to Soon To Be Mr. Ex and I that we would pass on to our children. One of the traditions that my family embraced growing up that Soon To Be Mr. Ex and I also did was to put up our Christmas tree on Thanksgiving weekend. This is a tradition I have carried out every year of my life for the past 28 years and this year, for the very first time, I am not doing it. Soon To Be Mr. Ex does not want to put up a tree this year. Part of me wants to say “screw you” and put it up anyone, but another part of me wonders what the point of putting it up would really be.


  1. Who cares if he doesn't want to put up the tree? It's your house too and you should put it up if you want.

  2. Please do not allow his opinion to count with this...... We must not forget what Christmas is about. Celebrate Jesus's birth! Rejoice in God's glory! Be grateful and praise! If you want to celebrate that with a tree, then do as you wish. It is your house, if you must still co-exist, do it on your terms!

  3. I say put up the tree! I love family traditions as well and you've come so far in having a good attitude about this situation you are being placed in (NOT by your choice!). The tree will be a symbol of hope for the future, just like the birth of Jesus gives us hope. Post a blog photo if you decide to decorate! AA in A

  4. I also say "PUT UP THAT TREE!"...Seriously - who care what he thinks...He obvious didn't care about your thoughts and feelings....PUT UP THE TREE...PUT UP THE TREE....PUT UP THE TREE!!!

  5. Even a different tree....JUST FOR enjoy the beauty and tradition and keep your foundation solid. I have a small fiber optic tree that I just love that came into my life when it wasn't at it's's a cheapy too, from Dollar General, but it is great in a dimly lit room with a little wine and music!! It will still be Christmas and your holiday will be undoubtedly very different but you'll make it a good one. I wish you didn't have to go through the rough spots and hurt about what would have been, but unfortuately it's all part of the package. We all tend to encourage you to keep your chin up and move on, but it's okay to feel a little sad for what's lost too. We may not want to see you be sad cause we don't want to be sad, but you're entitled to it...just don't let it get the best of you. The best thing about traditions is that you can just keep building & refining new ones until they fit perfectly. Life changes as we lose loved ones and new ones come into our lives for whatever reason...death, birth, divorce, distance... so the tradition has to fit the circumstances I guess. I hope you find a little Charlie Brown Christmas Tree for yourself and you keep it always....cause you are special just being you, without Soon to Be Mr. Ex and no matter what other traditions you build, you will always have it to remind you that you're that wonderful, that Bewildered is beautiful all on her own. Luv U Bloomfield MOM 2

  6. Put up your tree and have fun doing it by yourself. Or have your friends come over to help you. Don't let mr. poopypants ruin your Christmas. I put mine up last week and I feel the magic of Christmas everytime I turn on the lights :)

  7. We have a small 2 foot tree that my MIL bought 6-ish years ago because our old house didn't have room for a full size tree, plus we are always in Iowa over the holiday. Now that we have the new house, I want to get a 7-ft artificial tree to decorate every year with the girls and start a tradition like you have. If you don't want to go all out with the big tree this year, get a little one like we have, get some little decorations (we have mini gold bulbs we hang on it) and put it in a little corner to give yourself some Christmas cheer. Who cares what Soon-to-be Mr. Ex thinks! With the little one, it is kind of a compromise, but it leans a little more your way with the Christmas Cheer on display. :)


  8. Hey Bewildered, just thought of another thing to add to this topic. Do you think SHE is going to set up a tree? (Bet SHE does.) Not that I'm saying that you should do it out of spite, just do what you want! ( He sure did!) You should be able to have Happy Holidays despite what soon to Be Mr. Ex says or does. YOU need to celebrate for YOU! BE TRUE TO YOURSELF! No matter what anyone else is doing!! (I actually sound a little hateful, sorry for that! I just want you to be HAPPY in all that you do!)

  9. I totally agree! Screw him what a scrooge. He has "taken" enough from you! Put up your tree...spray the house with f***** glitter...lite candles that smell like christams trees...go buy every christmas item you can find and make every aspect of the house Christmas. After all Jesus already sacrificed so why should you! Celebrate HIM and just prove the point that MR. soon to be ex that you have a higher being and your life revolves around taht and not him!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Thank you, thank you, thank you everyone! You have lifted me up and made me laugh many times over. A tree WILL be going up, and yes there will be pictures posted!
