Thursday, December 24, 2009

Where I'm Supposed To Be

I am a horrible gift wrapper, so often times I will use gift bags. Last night I was putting something into a gift bag that I was reusing from last year and the tag said: from Bewildered & Soon-To-Be Mr. Ex. I started at it for a moment, struck by the fact that a person can be in your life one minute and then gone in the next. Then I quickly ripped off the tag and threw it away. It’s kind of odd because I expected to feel sad at Christmas, but here I sit on Christmas Eve morning and I don’t feel sad at all. Oddly enough, I even feel a little joyful. I don’t believe in coincidences – God has everything planned for us. This is exactly what was supposed to happen and I am exactly where He wants me to be. How can I be sad about that?


  1. your right their is no reason for you to be sad at all!
    and look on the bright side you get to see me tonight, and tom. is christmas!
    love you

  2. Have a wonderful time with your family and know that you have too many blessings to count...fortunately it's easy to count the icky stuff so you're on the up side of it all. Merry Christmas Blm Mom #2

  3. Merry Christmas Bewildered! You have NO reason to be sad. The Lord is with you! Praise the Lord and Rejoice for Christ's Birth! May God Bless You Always!
