Monday, December 28, 2009

Life Is About the Journey ~ 100th post!!

It’s hard to believe that this is my one hundredth post. When I started this blog it was to be my place of solace – a place to express my feelings, vent my frustrations, and plead for prayer in hopes that divine intervention would save my marriage. While it certainly was all of those things, it ended up being so much more. I truly believe this blog is what saved me from loosing my mind – it was the counselor that I didn’t go to and the comments written by all of you were the healing words that helped to mend my heart. What I didn’t realize at the time that I started this blog, which I now truly do understand, is that this is what was supposed to happen in my life. When all of you were lifting me up in prayer, God was healing me and helping me to better trust His plan for my life, which had nothing to do with saving my marriage. For quite some time “planner me” had a difficult time accepting this, but once I did I gained greater clarity than I could have ever hoped for.

I have just spent the last several hours rereading every single post and each and every comment ~ what a journey it has been! I truly feel that I am at a place where I could stop blogging and be okay, since my purpose for writing no longer exists. However, knowing that each and every day there are people who find themselves in the situation I was in on the day this blog began, I feel called to continue. Life may never be exactly what we expect of it, but that’s why it truly is a journey. While I still invite all of you join me as I put the shards of my once broken life back together, I know that “back together” will look nothing like it did before the explosion, nor would I hope for it to. My blog is no longer about putting a broken marriage back together, but rather forging ahead. It’s about me and my new life - nearly 30, nearly divorced, and nearly okay!


  1. I think it's time for a name change on the blog :) Your life is not you said it will be put back together...just in different form. I just want you to know that even though we have never met in person, i really admire your strength. You have proven yourself not to fall victim to your soon to be ex butthole's mistakes....which in turn makes you better all around. You are right. This is what was supposed to happen. What a journey you have been on in the last few months. Go in to 2010 with fresh eyes girl! you deserve it! and keep blogging :)

  2. I am so proud of you Wilda~The things that are the most difficult are the things that force us to change, re-explore ourselves, and help us grow the most! When we thought we were just fine in the first place, God wants us to learn even more! It is an amazing journey! I love your new name and profile! Happy New Year!
