Monday, December 7, 2009

The Battle

Have you ever had a question that continues to run through your mind again and again until it takes on a kind of life of its own? It creeps out of your mind and into your mouth and sits right on the tip of your tongue, smoldering – daring you to give it a voice. Part of you wants to take the dare, but another part of you is challenging yourself not to. It’s one of those what is this questions: Option A… Option B… or something in-between, a sort of Option C? You tell yourself over and over that it really doesn’t matter which option it is, but yet if it doesn’t matter then why not just ask the question? Is it because you yourself don’t know which answer you want or is it because you actually do know and that’s why you don’t want to ask? I would say in most cases, at least for me, it’s the latter. I feel as if Type A Girl and her alter ego, New Me, are having some type of intense battle, each is provoking the other but neither is making any sort of advance on their opponents ground.

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