Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Getting More Specific

Recently I described the “perfect man” that I am looking for. Just for kicks, I decided to get more specific. I know that I will likely never find a man that encompasses the five things that I am truly looking for (noted in "What I'm Looking For”) as well as all (or even 50%) of these things but a girl can dream, right!?

In addition to the five “must haves” I also want someone who posses at least a few of these characteristics…

* Enjoys spending time together doing “nothing”. (This is a biggie because honestly, it’s the small things in life that make me the happiest!)

* Likes to travel. (I love traveling, whether it’s a weekend getaway, or a full fledge vacation; Soon To Be Mr. Ex never enjoyed this.)

* Buys me flowers now and again. (In nine years, I received flowers from him once, which is sad because he knew how much I love flowers and truly would have preferred those to other more expensive gifts.)

* Likes to cook ~ or at least has a willingness to do it with me. (I love to cook and think it would be really fun to do it together!)

* Likes to go out to eat. (Although I love cooking, I also enjoy going out to eat. Soon To Be Mr. Ex didn’t enjoy this too much ~ odd, I know!)

* Likes movies. (Watching movies is one of my favorite things to do, whether it’s in the theater or at home on DVD – Soon To Be Mr. Ex was never all that into watching movies together.)

* Likes to play cards. (Okay, this one is silly. However, my family has this card game that we always play – very cut-throat, hahaha. Soon To Be Mr. Ex rarely played this game willingly and when he did play he acted as though we were torturing him.)

* Opens doors for me. (I admit it, this one is totally cheesy but I am a romantic and would love a guy who opens doors… car doors, restaurant doors - any doors)

* Someone who likes baseball – it is my favorite sport and America’s pastime for Pete Sakes! (If I took this a step further I would say if he would be a St. Louis Cardinals fan that would rock, but clearly I’ve made exceptions in this area in the past.)

* Someone who wears a uniform! (Oh yes, I am a sucker for a uniform!! My first choice would be a cop, but heck – I even think the UPS guy is hot in his uniform so really any will do!)


  1. I don't think any of your characteristics are silly or cheesy. They're all valid because they're important to you. And if you didn't notice, there's a nice theme running through them - enjoying time together, respect, being a family, etc. Those aren't silly things at all. And seriously? Any guy that's not into baseball must have something wrong with him, right? :-) I once dated a guy who wasn't interested in watching the World Series and I just about freaked out.

  2. I think they all sound good, and they are all easy to find. I actually dated a guy who did all of these things just before I got together with Casey. Of all of them, the thing I want the most is a guy who opens doors. Chivalry is a dying art - at least in our part of the country, so finding a guy who still does that (especially the car doors) is hard to do.
    He was even very emotional when I broke up with him, and it still breaks my heart to this day to think about that. Not all out crying, but very sad that it was happening, and he opened up about a lot of things we had never even talked about.
    Odd thing is, he (and the guy I dated before him - did you know Gordon?) went on to marry the next girl he dated. Did I do something to them? I've always wondered this....

    M. Rey

  3. Anonymous,
    I had not noticed the theme until you pointed it out, but you are right. It would have weirded me out of the guy didn't want to watch the World Series too ~ very "un-American" - LOL!

  4. Miranda,
    I agree, chivalry is a dying art - but I will not give up the hunt!! I am pleading to all you mothers of little boys, teach your sons chivalry... it will allow them to get any girl they want! I do remember you dating Gordon, but not whomever you dated after him. That's crazy that they both married the next girl after you... you're like the marriage whisperer, LOL!
