As a little girl I loved charm bracelets, so you can imagine how enthralled I have been with the Pandora bracelet line since it came out a few years ago. The really cool thing about Pandora is that for each milestone in life (big or small), you can add a new charm or bead. Anyway, right before Christmas I decided that I was going to buy myself one; I was about to turn 30, was starting over in my life, and I just thought I needed some self-pampering. So, imagine my surprise and excitement when I received a Pandora bracelet from one of my students for Christmas! Along with the bracelet itself, she and her family also gave me a frog charm (representing the frog theme in my classroom – I think of it as my “teacher charm”.)
For my birthday, I got several more beads and charms as well…
From New Guy:
A silver ghost charm ~ we met at a Halloween party
A yellow & red bead ~ the colors of the college we both graduated from
A silver rabbit charm ~ a sort of inside joke (don’t you hate it when people say stuff like that and you don’t know what they are talking about... I can't stand it, lol!)
From two of my first graders:
A pink bead with green dots
A silver charm that looks like cobble stone walk way (ironically, this one is called “journey” and is one I had planned to buy as a representation of my theory on life)
From Me to Myself (doesn’t everyone buy birthday gifts for themselves?):
Three green beads, each with a different design ~ one for each decade of my life (green is my favorite color)
A blue & white bead ~ the colors of the college where I got my masters
A red bead with pink hearts ~ representing my heart being open to new love (yes, I really am that cheesy!)
Two silver clips with squiggles on them (these just keep your charms/beads from sliding all over)
Needless to say, Guys, if you are looking for a romantic and simple gift to give your girlfriend/wife for Valentine’s Day, this would be a good one that you could keep adding to for years to come!
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