Thursday, January 7, 2010

Blogging Boldly

This summer, before I started my blog, I became an avid blog reader. One blog I read every day is MckMama’s. Recently she wrote about bold blogging, which really got me thinking. Do I blog boldly? At times, sure I do… in the past I have poured out my heart about Soon-To-Be-Mr. Ex, his affair, our crumbling marriage, and my feelings about the whole things. (At times I was probably even a little too bold, lol!) However I’ve noticed, now that I am in this new phase - truly beginning to reassemble my life - I am censoring myself more. Why am I doing this? Well, honestly it is due in part to what I thought others might think. Pretty crazy, huh?

MckMama has encouraged her readers to blog boldly, live boldly, work boldly, love boldly – do whatever it is that we do boldly. So, that is what I am going to do. I am going take the advice of Eleanor Roosevelt and do this, which scares me, because the “small town girl” inside of me hates when people think badly of her. (Yes, I’ll admit it… I am one of those people who can’t stand it when people don’t like her, even if it’s people that she does not like.)

If I am going to be true to myself and honestly chronicle the journey that I have found myself on, I am going to do it all out! So I guess what I’m saying, dear readers, is that this is your warning… from here on out I’m blogging boldly!


  1. Yay! Send me the link to this MckMama character!

  2. Hey Lesli! Here is MckMama's blog:

  3. You go for it... blog boldly and don't be afraid..... those of us who love you ---love you no matter what!
    It's time to live a little!
    And have fun!

  4. I agree. Go all out girl!!

