Monday, February 22, 2010

Unannounced Hiatus

I apologize for my unannounced hiatus this past week ~ not to worry, all is well! I have been busy this past week with some family issues, as well as report card writing. Here are some updates on the major facet of my life:

New Guy
Things with New Guy are going great! We continue to see each other every weekend and, I have to say the roughly 48 hours that we are together goes by much too fast. I could go on and on about what a great guy he is, but I don’t want to embarrass him. I will say this ~ he truly is an amazingly wonderful man who treats me in a way which I have never been treated. I am so thankful for everything that has happened which brought me to this point and feel blessed that New Guy came into my life.

Soon-To-Be Mr. Ex
A proposed final divorce decree was drafted by my attorney and sent to Soon-To-Be Mr. Ex’s attorney on Friday, February 12th. If he and his attorney agree then they sign it and return it to my attorney; he and I sign it and then in a nutshell it’s done. At this point we are still waiting to hear. I did ask Soon-To-Be Mr. Ex what the status was earlier tonight and he indicated that he had not yet been contacted by his attorney. In other news, we have started packing up the house with the hopes of getting it on the market by March 1st (which is also the new date I am hoping to be divorced by, lol!).

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